Leader As Coach - Expert
(ICF Level 2/PCC)


Diploma as 'Leader As Coach - Expert'
ICF Level 2 (former PCC)
(150 Hours)

Leader As Coach - Expert

This Diploma is ideal for those who want to position themselves as internal or external coaches, either as employees or coaches with their own practice. The content of the program offers advanced coaching models and practices. In addition, there is a lot of practice and coach supervision, which helps to apply the acquired skills even better in everyday life and to grow into an advanced coach. Leadership and Transformation Coaching are further deepened as specializations. 

After completion of mentoring sessions, individuals will arrive at EXPERT CERTIFIED badge and certification.

Description of the Diploma

This certificate paves the way for graduates to achieve the Level 2 (former Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Credentials of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the Global Gold Standard Coaching Body. Upon successful completion of this program, participants may apply for ICF's Level 1 (in case the students want to get their credential as soon as possible, but don't have the 500h of coaching practice necessary to apply for the Level 2, yet) or the Level 2 credential if they have their 500h. In addition, the graduates of this program are accepted into the alumni community and can thus further develop their skills.

Who should participate in this Program?

Anyone interested in professional Coaching, advanced models and with a specific focus on advanced Leadership and Transformation coaching will benefit from getting this Diploma. There are no prerequisites for participants.

This program is beneficial to:
  • Leaders of all levels
  • Leadership coaches (internal and external)
  • HR partners working with and coaching leaders
  • Mentors of leaders
  • People who train internal coaches
  • Coach Mentors
  • Leaders of the same company as a leadership framework

What are the Benefits?

  • Direct Pathway to the accreditation of the worldwide most recognized Coaching Body (ICF - International Coaching Federation)
  • Personal support from long-time corporate experienced coaches
  • Many everyday examples and lessons learned
  • Detailed theory incl. Leadership and Transformation coaching on an advanced level
  • Extensive opportunities to practice and learn
  • Coach Mentoring
  • Coach Supervision
  • Basics of Building the own Practice
  • Moderated Students Community


In addition to teaching theory, we place great emphasis on practicing what you have learned and thinking about how you can incorporate it directly into your everyday life after the sessions.
The work between sessions is an integral part of the program to help digest the new concepts for enhanced understanding.

Session Dates 2024


The program is conducted in the following languages

We offer the program in the following languages:
  • English
  • Chinese
  • German

Does this program lead to a credential?

The Diploma program leads to the Level 1 or Level 2 credential, depending on the hours of coaching practice the student has (100h for Level 1 and 500h for Level 2).

Accreditation, Certification and Credential are often mixed up, therefore we add descriptions of these terms below:

  • What is an Accreditation?
    An accreditation indicates that a school had its program undergo rigorous external scrutiny and quality testing by a peak body.
  • What is a Certification?
    A certification is the recognized statement of attainment that indicates you have been assessed by an Accredited Coaching Training Provider as having the industry skills and expertise required to practice as a coach.
  • What is a Credential?
    With coaching, a credential designates a recognized level of expertise in coaching, as assessed by an industry peak body such as the ICF. This is represented by designations such as Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3. Our programs lead to Level 1 and Level 2 credentials. ICF credentials a master level as well, Level 3.

Cost of the Program

The fee for the Level 2/PCC Diploma is €8,500. The fee can also be paid in installments. In this case, the number and amount of installments are agreed upon by both parties (Student & Enterprise Coaching Institute) in the agreement.